Tuesday, December 22, 2009

January 1, 2010 - June 30, 2010

Here is the first list, randomly selected with links to amazon.com.

1. The Poor Mouth: A Bad Story About the Hard Life, Flann O'Brien
2. Nostromo, Joseph Conrad
3. Glamorama, Bret Easton Ellis
4. Dead Souls, Nikolay Gogol
5. A Ghost at Noon (Contempt), Alberto Moravia
6. The Revenge for Love, Wyndham Lewis
7. The Stechlin, Theodore Fontaine
8. The German Lesson, Siegfried Lenz
9. Wild Swans, Jung Chang
10. Moll Flanders, Daniel DeFoe

Happy hunting for some of these, namely "The Stechlin" which will likely be particularly difficult to get a hold of.

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